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20 May

Why choose Parco dei Principi Hotel?

We give you 9+1 reasons

1. For the unique style of our structure:

If you have visited the Parco dei Principi Hotel you will certainly have noticed how different it is from all the other structures of the Ionian coast, the uniqueness of the style that distinguishes us is our absolute strength! Everything has been designed and imagined for those who really want to immerse themselves in the classic pomp of the past; with the tapestries, the paintings, the finishes of all the rooms, the statues and also the colors that predominate (also reproduced in our logo) all designed to distinguish what you will find from us and not elsewhere.

2. For the huge spaces we have:

Indoor and especially outdoor spaces, in this spring now well underway and summer at our doorstep, our immense surrounding green park can be exploited at any point; century-old olive trees, a pleasant lawn, many furnished gazebos, two swimming pools, an outdoor bar and the continuous assistance of our staff, no limit to what you can wish for and no limit to what we can do for you!

3. For the courtesy and professionalism of our staff:

We know that this is a service that all the structures offer, but confident of the work we do every day, we can assure you that we have something extra. What makes the difference is the complete and continuous availability (for any type of emergency, doubt or need, even the most insignificant), the promptness and speed with which we manage to resolve any unexpected, the extreme professionalism combined with all the humanity that distinguishes our Calabrian culture, it is a mix that will certainly make the difference.

4. Because ours is a very discreet environment:

Every banquet, stay or any service you choose here at Parco dei Principi Hotel will live in the utmost discretion and exclusivity, you will enjoy a special moment that will be yours and the people with whom you decide to share it

5. Because we have a strong story behind us:

Like many (but not all) of the structures in our area, we also have a great history behind us, which has brought a lot to all of us here at the Parco dei Principi Hotel, and which we share through our work. We have been rooted in our magnificent Ionian coast for almost twenty years now, with the aim of always satisfying our customers as much as possible and giving prestige to the territory in which we live, and of which we are extremely proud.

6. Why we believe in our territory:

We are very proud and we believe that Calabria is truly the most beautiful region in Italy! We are extremely fortunate to live in such a rich and lively environment, and we try to offer more and more than we can grasp.

7. For the quality and care of our services:

The services we offer to our customers are imagined, chosen and cared for them, we pursue the unconditional satisfaction of those who give us confidence by preferring and believing in our work, and we want our customers to become ambassadors of our quality through their satisfaction.

8. Because your satisfaction is our only goal:

And the only goal since the opening of our 5-star Hotel Resort, you are at the absolute center of our work, everything revolves around what we can achieve to meet your needs, with promptness and always the highest quality.

9. Because we try to improve every day without ever being satisfied:

Even when you don’t speak we listen to you, we are attentive to your every request, to your every suggestion, suggestion or perplexity because we want everything to be impeccable, to improve day after day everything we do, without leaving anything to chance.

10. We leave this last reason to you:

Inviting you to come and visit us to discover with your own eyes all that we have told you, without limitations, we are available here at the Parco dei Principi Hotel every day, that you would like to visit our facility to organize a banquet, an anniversary, an evening , whether you want to stay overnight or enjoy a simple dinner, we are here to satisfy your every need, a member of our staff will be happy to welcome you always, we are waiting for you!

Contact h24: call 0964 860201
or write to [email protected]
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